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Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat

Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat

Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat

There are many hundreds of dive opportunities in Indonesia, but for many divers Raja Ampat is the ultimate dive destination. The sheer number of species of marine creatures, the health of the reefs and the clarity of the water makes it as near perfect as a dive destination gets. There are more dive sites than

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Diving with Sharks in Raja Ampat

Diving with Sharks in Raja Ampat

Diving with Sharks in Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat covers about 46,000 square kilometres and since 2013 sharks are protected throughout the whole area. Shark fishing is now strictly prohibited and punishments for anyone caught are severe. However, punishments are rarely used these days, thanks to community education that has shown locals that live sharks are worth much more than dead ones.

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