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How to participate in keeping Raja Ampat’s environment clean

No more rubish at when diving raja ampat

How to participate in keeping Raja Ampat’s environment clean

The island of Raja Ampat in Indonesia possesses the world’s most diverse marine life. Making it a popular diving destination for dive enthusiasts, diving, and snorkelers all over the world. However, the island’s location and currents make Raja Ampat a trap for man-made waste caused by the increasing population internally and in neighboring countries, and

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Diving Safely in Raja Ampat

Diving Safely in Raja Ampat

Diving Safely in Raja Ampat

Diving is an enjoyable sport and hobby. However, it’s also a high-risk activity, therefore one should take precaution before and while diving. Here are some important things to note if you choose to go diving in Raja Ampat. When diving in Raja Ampat, all divers should know that there is no reliable hyperbaric chamber in

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