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5 Fascinating Facts About Dugongs

5 Fascinating Facts About Dugongs

5 Fascinating Facts About Dugongs

Dugongs are notoriously shy, but we are lucky enough to spot them quite regularly at Papua Paradise Eco Resort. Some fortunate guests have been able to watch them feeding on the house reef right below their over-water bungalows. Seeing one leaves you with a magical feeling like you have been chosen to attend a very

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The Orchids of Raja Ampat

The Orchids of Raja Ampat

The Orchids of Raja Ampat

We’ve written before about the incredible endemic fauna species of Raja Ampat but have never really mentioned flora. Most people may visit Papua Paradise Eco Resort for the amazing underwater sights, but it’s definitely worth it to do some exploring above the water as well. The jungles of Raja Ampat are packed full of plants

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Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

When you think of important ecosystems what do you think of first? Many people would probably say rainforests or woodlands, but how many mention coral reefs? If you are a diver you have probably thought about the part they play in our ecosystem, but if you aren’t it may not have even crossed your mind.

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