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Discovering Endemic and Interesting Species when Diving in Raja Ampat

Wabegong shark Papua Paradise

Discovering Endemic and Interesting Species when Diving in Raja Ampat

Eager to discover a whole new world? Inhabited by rare, vivid, and intriguing critters? If so, then Raja Ampat is the dive site for you. It is here that you’ll find schooling jacks, goatfish, sharks, batfish, pygmy seahorse, barracudas, pale tailed surgeonfish, giant six banded angelfish, threadfin anthias, manta rays, groupers, batfish, fusiliers, purple anthias

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Raja Ampat’s Underwater Biodiversity

Marine Life Biodiversity of Diving Raja Ampat Diving

Raja Ampat’s Underwater Biodiversity

Today, Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, an archipelago that comprises over 1,500 small islands that surround the four main islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, and the smaller island of Kofiau. Thanks to its splendid location in the Coral Triangle and unique position between the Indian and Pacific Oceans,

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Languages in Raja Ampat

children playing

Languages in Raja Ampat

When planning your vacation, it is important to consider the language commonly spoken in your destination. There are many exciting destinations in the world where language barrier hampers the visitors’ experience. If you are planning to visit Raja Ampat in Indonesia, it is imperative to appreciate the range of languages you will encounter.

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