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Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Raja Ampat is an archipelago located off the coast of West Papua, Indonesia and is a natural wonder that has captured the hearts of adventurers and nature enthusiasts worldwide. Known for its stunning turquoise waters, lush rainforests, and unparalleled biodiversity both on land and underwater, it has become a bucket-list destination for travelers seeking a

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Managing the Fine Balance Between Tourism and Conservation in Raja Ampat

Managing the Fine Balance Between Tourism and Conservation in Raja Ampat

Managing the Fine Balance Between Tourism and Conservation in Raja Ampat

Until the early 2000’s Raja Ampat’s main industries were mining and fishing. The area is rich in nickel and cobalt, and of course fish, which had been keeping the region economically stable for centuries. However, with the rising awareness of the environmental importance of Raja Ampat, sustainable alternatives had to be implemented. This is why

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