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Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Exploring Raja Ampat as a Group: A Tropical Paradise Adventure

Raja Ampat is an archipelago located off the coast of West Papua, Indonesia and is a natural wonder that has captured the hearts of adventurers and nature enthusiasts worldwide. Known for its stunning turquoise waters, lush rainforests, and unparalleled biodiversity both on land and underwater, it has become a bucket-list destination for travelers seeking a

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Visiting Raja Ampat Marine Park

Visiting Raja Ampat Marine Park

Visiting Raja Ampat Marine Park

Imagine diving into the ocean and everywhere you look there is colour, movement, and life. Not just a busy coral reef but a place absolutely teeming with marine life. Now imagine this area to be over 2million hectares, about the same size as the country of Wales. This is Raja Ampat’s Marine Park, a protected

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