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Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

Why Are Coral Reefs so Important?

When you think of important ecosystems what do you think of first? Many people would probably say rainforests or woodlands, but how many mention coral reefs? If you are a diver you have probably thought about the part they play in our ecosystem, but if you aren’t it may not have even crossed your mind.

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Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

If you have an interest in diving, you’re sure to know about Raja Ampat’s incredible array of fish and corals. But did you know there are almost 700 species of mollusks in the region? Whether you’re a nudibranch lover or want to see an impressive giant clam, we have all the info you need.

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