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Diving Raja Ampat – The Fam Islands

Diving Raja Ampat - The Fam Islands

Diving Raja Ampat – The Fam Islands

Raja Ampat is famous for its endless number of dive sites. Gangga Divers at Papua Paradise Eco Resort doesn’t always hit the most well known spots, but sometimes the most popular sites really are unmissable. Kepulauan Fam, or the Fam Islands are a group of islands northwest of Batanta Island, in the straits between Waigeo

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Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

Meet the Mollusks of Raja Ampat

If you have an interest in diving, you’re sure to know about Raja Ampat’s incredible array of fish and corals. But did you know there are almost 700 species of mollusks in the region? Whether you’re a nudibranch lover or want to see an impressive giant clam, we have all the info you need.

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