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Papua Paradise through the eyes of our Housekeeping Manager

Papua Paradise through the eyes of our Housekeeping Manager

Papua Paradise Eco Resort is quite remote, which means staff live and work on the island and get to know it better than anyone. To see the resort and the island of Birie, as well as the surrounding islands, through the eyes of one of the staff is the perfect way to find out what it offers. This is why we decided to interview one of our staff members to dig a little deeper into this beautiful area.

  • Hi, can you please tell us your name and job at Papua Paradise Eco Resort?

My full name is Kronyer but my nickname is Ouyel. I’m the Housekeeping Manager at the resort.

Papua Paradise through the eyes of our Housekeeping Manager

  • Are you originally from Raja Ampat, if not, where are you from?

I am not from Raja Ampat. I was born in Ambon in Maluku but my father is Papuan.

  • How long have you worked at Papua Paradise Eco Resort?

I have been working here more than 5 years, 5 years and 2 months to be exact. I’ve always been in the same position as Housekeeping Manager.

  • What can guests expect when they arrive at Papua Paradise Eco Resort?

All the guests who come here can feel the different atmosphere immediately. Once they are here they will see all the incredible fish and how healthy the coral still is. The resort really is embedded in the nature and every day in the morning and afternoon you can see the parrots and other birds. In the morning you can hear the sound of birds from inside your room. If you’re lucky you can see a dugong, which is my favorite creature, right in front of your room or in front of the restaurant. We are very friendly and almost every evening you can hear us playing traditional music and singing traditional Papuan and Raja Ampat songs. You are welcomed into the fold and can join in too.

Papua Paradise Eco Resort Raja Ampat, Indonesia

  • What in your opinion sets Papua Paradise Eco Resort apart from other resorts in Raja Ampat?

Papua Paradise Eco Resort is the most recommended resort in Raja Ampat on tripadvisor.com so surely we must have advantages over other resorts. In my opinion it’s the beautiful soft and hard corals right in front of the jetty, a beautiful house reef and how active we are with PADI and the scuba diving community. You are right in the middle of the nature and can see the famous birds of paradise, waterfalls, and plenty of other beautiful scenes you can’t see in other places. Soon we’ll have a spa in the resort so you can have complete health and relaxation treatments, which aren’t available anywhere else in Raja Ampat.

Papua Paradise Eco Resort Raja Ampat, Indonesia

  • What is your favorite part of Birie Island?

After work I often go swimming and snorkeling in front of the jetty. It’s a beautiful place and I’m lucky to be able to do this all the time. I love to be able to see dugongs as well. This isn’t an experience most people get to have.

  • What would you recommend for guests to see in the area?

You can see many things here like healthy corals, lots of fish, birds and traditional houses. You can see all of this with great service and hospitality from the whole staff 🙂

Underwater life at Raja Ampat, Indonesia

  • Is there a special experience you would recommend that guests can only have in Raja Ampat?

There are so many special experiences to have at Papua Paradise Eco Resort. I’ll tell you about my favorite experience. When I was invited to go diving for the first time I saw so many beautiful corals, all still healthy. I also saw so many fish and even manta rays. I’ll never forget this.

The guests who are used to diving will still have incredible experiences. There are so many virgin islands in Raja Ampat still with beautiful white sand. One of my favorite places is a very famous island called Piaynemo. It consists of several islands formed irregularly and once you get to the highest peak there are the most incredible views. I think a place like this only exists in Raja Ampat.

Piaynemo, Fam Islands, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Thanks Ouyel for your insights into life on Birie Island and Papua Paradise Eco Resort. Learning a little more about from your viewpoint makes us feel like it’s really a magical place.

Do you have any more questions you’d like to ask Ouyel about the area? Leave us a question in the comments section below.

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