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Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat off West Papua is a dream diving location for scuba divers from all over the world. However, this marine paradise is also an area of strong currents, which can be difficult for even the most experienced of divers. In this article you’ll learn what to watch out for to stay safe in Raja Ampat, the best dive sites for novices, and also if you might need more dives under your belt before you go.

Just to note, it is possible to learn to dive in Raja Ampat but for the purposes of this article a beginner diver is someone with around 20 dives.

Why is Raja Ampat said to be a difficult place to dive?

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat is at the intersection of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The Indonesian Throughflow, where massive amounts of water pass through the islands, creates strong currents that can be hard to negotiate. Of course it’s these currents that also feed the incredible reef systems and make the biodiversity so breathtaking.

The currents mean divers must be skillful drift divers, which isn’t usually something beginners are adept at. Down currents can be very strong and for divers that aren’t used to drift diving, very scary.

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat is also remote and dive sites are generally quite a distance from medical help. The only decompression chamber is in Waisai, over 50km from Papua Paradise Eco Resort.

The Best Dives for Beginners in Raja Ampat

With all this said, it is possible to dive in Raja Ampat if you have a PADI Open Water certification. The dive guides from Gangga Divers at Papua Paradise Eco Resort will assess your skill level before you get in the water. They would never take a diver to a site above their skill or confidence level.

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Before booking a dive trip to Raja Ampat you should be fully confident with all of your scuba gear. A must is being confident in a controlled descent and ascent. You should also be able to control your buoyancy and manage your air consumption. These may seem like basic skills, but they should be mastered before thinking about diving in Raja Ampat.

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Often Gangga Divers will start with shallower easier dives to get divers used to the currents when they arrive in Raja Ampat. Some of these starter sites are Mioskun, Manta Sandy, Fansisco’s Peak, Fam Island, and Frewin Island.

A few of the no-go sites for less experienced divers would be Mike’s Point, Cape Kri, Sardine Reef, and Blue Magic.

Are You Ready for Raja Ampat?

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Raja Ampat is remote and takes some planning to get to, not to mention the cost of a trip. If you feel you might need to get some more dives under your belt before you book a trip to Papua Paradise Eco Resort, you might want to first look at one of Lotus Hotels other resorts.

Villa Almarik in Gili Trawangan, Lotus Bungalows in Bali and Gangga Island Resort & Spa all have Gangga Divers centres and offer a wider range of beginner dives. You can also book combination trips for more than one resort, so Raja Ampat could be your second stop in Indonesia.

Can Beginner Divers Dive in Raja Ampat?

Let us know in the comments below if you’re still unsure whether you’re ready to dive in Raja Ampat or not. We can answer your questions and also give you advice on how non-divers can also have a great time at Papua Paradise.


  1. June 19, 2019

    Great article. What would be a typical cost for a beginner dive in Raja Ampat? I am planning on coming there next month and have done about 15 dives in total.

  2. Lee
    February 1, 2022

    I haven’t got my diving certification yet but it shouldn’t be long. Do you have to have Padi certification or can it be Scuba Culture ?

  3. Gio
    May 1, 2022

    I don’t have padi certification.. I. HaVe always dived together with instructor who was managing my cilinder. Can I do the same in raj Ampat? And which places are best for this?

  4. Mat
    November 5, 2022

    Hello and thanks for the article. My question is:- Are all sites drift? If there are great corals we would like to hang around and view them instead of being dragged away. We have around 60 dives each.

    • Papua Paradise
      April 12, 2023

      Hi Mat, no, not all dive sites around Raja Ampat are drift dives.

  5. Janice
    August 30, 2024

    I have 18 shore dives in bonaire and 12-18 boat dives in cayman. I have never done drift diving. I’m a strong swimmer. My plan us a week in Papua paradise in late April. Am I making a mistake? Thx.

    • Papua Paradise
      September 17, 2024

      Definetely not, coming to Raja Ampat would be never a mistake. Our dive guides will find the best dive spots for you, no worries. There are dive sites for all leves.

  6. Janice
    August 30, 2024

    Hello. I hooe to come to Papua paradise in late April fir a week of diving.. i have been to bonaire shore diving, 18 dives and boat diving in cayman 15-18 dives. I will likely dive again in belize in 2 months. Will raja ampat be ok for me? I’m a strong swimmer

    • Papua Paradise
      September 17, 2024

      Hi Janice, thanks for your comment. Sure, Raja Ampat have dive sites for all levels. We are looking forward to welcome you at Papua Paradise Eco Resort.

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