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Raja Ampat Dive Tags

scuba diving

Raja Ampat Dive Tags

Most travelers are now seeking unique destinations where they can fully unwind away from the crowds. One such destination is Raja Ampat in Indonesia. This is not only divers’ Mecca but nature lovers are also lured here by the extensive marine ecosystem which is home to the largest fish, mollusks and corals in the world.

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Languages in Raja Ampat

children playing

Languages in Raja Ampat

When planning your vacation, it is important to consider the language commonly spoken in your destination. There are many exciting destinations in the world where language barrier hampers the visitors’ experience. If you are planning to visit Raja Ampat in Indonesia, it is imperative to appreciate the range of languages you will encounter.

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Dive Sites in Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat papua paradise

Dive Sites in Raja Ampat

Among the most prominent diving destinations in Indonesia is Raja Ampat or Four Kings. The archipelago located in West Papua province boasts over 1,500 islands and is part of the famous Coral Triangle which is renowned for its diverse range of species.

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