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Looking for Rays? Dive Raja Ampat!

Looking for Rays? Dive Raja Ampat!

Looking for Rays? Dive Raja Ampat!

Raja Ampat is famous for its rich marine biodiversity where 75% of the world’s marine species have been found. There are many species that divers hope to spot while diving in Raja Ampat, but rays are some of the most sought after. Diving with rays is a majestic feeling. The way they glide through the

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Diving Responsibly in Raja Ampat

Diving Responsibly in Raja Ampat

Diving Responsibly in Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat off the coast of West Papua is one of the richest areas for marine diversity in the world. Because of this it is of the utmost importance to keep this area’s ecosystem healthy. While diving in Raja Ampat you will have an amazing opportunity to see species found nowhere else in the world.

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