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Visit Lotus Hotels and Gangga Divers at Boot Düsseldorf Boat and Watersport Show

Lotus Hotels and Gangga Divers are pleased to announce that we’ll be at boot Düsseldorf boat and watersport show from January 20-28 2018. This huge show will be held at Messe Düsseldorf Convention Centre.

Lotus Hotels and Gangga Divers at boot Düsseldorf 2018

Boot Düsseldorf is one of the world’s most extensive boat and watersport shows, and features a Sailing Centre, Motorboat and Super Yacht shows, Dive Centre, Beach World, Travel World, World of Paddling and Yacht Equipment.

Come visit us in the Dive Centre in Hall 3 at stall B15 and get 10-15% off your booking at any of our 4 resorts in Indonesia: Villa Almarik, Lotus Bungalows, Gangga Island Resort and Spa, and Papua Paradie Eco Resort. All you have to do is book directly at our stall and travel from January 20th onwards!

Lotus Hotels and Gangga Divers at boot Düsseldorf 2018

See you in Düsseldorf!

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